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Best Martial Arts Institute

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  3. Best Martial Arts Institute
Events at this venue

Aikido Seminar with Jim Alvarez, Sensei

Best Martial Arts Institute 795 Almaden St., Eugene, OR, United States

Join us for a weekend aikido seminar at BMAI with Jim Alvarez, Sensei - Dojo-cho of Aikido of Livermore, CA.

BMAI Kids’ Sleepover

Best Martial Arts Institute 795 Almaden St., Eugene, OR, United States

BMAI is excited to announce the return of our annual martial arts sleepover for children (ages 5 - 12). Lots of teen and adult volunteers are needed and are guaranteed to have as much fun as the kids!Information Sheet - Registration Form Here's a video from the fun at the our Sleepover way back in 2014.